Just Browsing...

I was in the mood for a bit of treasure hunting this morning so the boy and I headed out to one of my favourite haunts, Cabramatta Vinnie's. I do realise that I'm in complete denial about moving house in 2 weeks. But I don't care even a little bit. This store has the added appeal of being opposite a large Chinese budhist temple which Ben loves even though he doesn't know what it is. Today he thought it might be a Pirate's house because of all the gold on it!

Every time I enter a thrift store I have a secret wish list - do you? I'm always looking for antique ceramic mixing bowls, vintage fabrics, and old preserving jars. 

My favourite section of the warehouse - the linens!

Love this kid. He's the easiest little guy to take out. He got bored with
shopping so he found himself a book and settled down to read.

My finds for today.
I was sort of on a scouting mission this morning because we need some drawers and possibly a wardrobe or two for when we move out of this house. Our current bedroom has a large unit in it that has three (yes - three!) large wardrobes and no less than nine drawers. The house I saw yesterday had one small linen cupboard in the entire house. I was awake at 5.30am this morning wondering how we could possibly put away all of our things in that house and how much we'd have to spend on storage.

After a browse I came home with a bright floral sheet, a vintage kids linen set, and a brown and orange fabric panel. No plans for them yet, they'll go into the stash for future projects (Jeremy will be thrilled). Although I am considering ripping up the pink and orange one so I can start on a braided rug for Jemima.

If you're thrift shopping this week I'm sending treasure seeking vibes your way!

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